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What is an Article in exPub?

This article will try to explain what an article is and what elements in consists of in

An article is a written document with text, images, links, tables and other elements. A website can consist of many articles.

In order to display an article on the website, we need to put it into a section. has many types of sections and, in brief, a section can only contain one type of content. Articles is one of these types. (More about sections here)

In, we have the following elements


Once an article is ready to be published, tick the checkbox for Publish and the article will be made visible on the website.
An article also need to be added in a Page Area/Section in order to be visible More about Sections here


Pre Heading

Use this field to write a short introduction to the main heading. Recommended use of this field would be like "New product" or "The president said:" or similar. This text is normally displayed in a smaller font than the main Title.
The Pre Heading should not be used without a Title.


Title is the main heading of the article and should always be used.
The Title is used in the list of articles in admin area to easily find what you are looking for. Without a title, it will be hard to find your article.


Write a brief introduction to the main content of the article. This text is normally displayed on a list of articles where you will have a "Read more" button to go to the main article text.
Whether or not this text will be displayed, depends on the template you are using on the page to display the text.

Read More (Body text)

This is the field where you add the main body of the article and where you can add images, links and tables to be displayed inline in the article.
Whether or not this text will be displayed, depends on the template you are using on the page to display the text.

Read More Link

In case you want to take the user to another page than the automatically generated page, enter the full link to the page that will be on the "Read more" link.


Type single words or short phrases separated by comma with keywords related to this article. These tags will be visible on the article page and linked to other articles with the same tags. More information about Tags here.

Page Area (Sections)

Tick the box to select what page area you want your article to be displayed on. An article can be displayed on more than one page area. The name of the page area you will see in the list have the following construction:
Section - Menu Item

Press Article from other web-site

If this article is a copy from a newspaper, blog or other website, you are recommended to inform about this and link back to the original website.


Fill in the name of the source to this article. This would typically be the name of a newspaper or another website where the text is collected from.

Source URL

Fill in the full link to the website where the content of this article is collected from. (The link will open a page in a new window/tab.)

Display Duration

You can set a limitation in time for how long or what dates an article will display. You can choose a date-span or a number of days from publish date.

Other Features

Indexable: Make this article visible in the Sitemap, so Google and other spiders can index it.
Show on RSS: Make this available in an RSS feed
Can comment: If the article is set up with a template that supports commenting, visitors to your website will be able to write a comment.
Facebook comment: If the article is set up with a template that supports Facebook commenting, visitors to your website will be able to write a comment and they will be linked to the users Facebook profile.
Can share link: Link sharing options will be visible on the article.