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Webshop API Interface Specification

Version 0.1

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Overview
    2. Audience
    3. Document Overview
    4. Getting Started
    5. How to Send Request
  2. Basic Concepts
    1. Message Transport
    2. Authentication
    3. Message Structure
  3. XML Message
    1. WS_AuthenticationRQ/RS
      1. Support Operations
      2. Business Rules
      3. WS_AuthenticationRQ
      4. Sample Message Request
      5. WS_AuthenticationRS
      6. Simple Message Response Success
    2. WS_CategroySetRQ/RS
      1. Support Operations
      2. Business Rules
      3. WS_CategroySetRQ
      4. Sample Message Request
      5. WS_CategroySetRS
      6. Simple Message Response Success
    3. WS_UpdateCategoryRQ/RS
      1. Support Operations
      2. Business Rules
      3. WS_UpdateCategoryRQ
      4. Sample Message Request
      5. WS_UpdateCategoryRS
      6. Simple Message Response Success
    4. WS_UpdateProductRQ/RS
      1. Support Operations
      2. Business Rules
      3. WS_UpdateProductRQ
      4. Sample Message Request
      5. WS_UpdateProductRS
      6. Simple Message Response Success
    5. WS API ‘Status’ Values List

1 Introduction

1.1 Overview

The use of this interface for communication with the exPub Service Providers using OTA compliant XML messaging over an HTTP protocol. The interface supports the exchange of:
  • Authentication
  • Get Category Set
  • Add/Update Category
  • Add/Update Product

The purpose of this interface is to facilitate dynamic data synchronization such as category name, product name, product variant name, description

1.2 Audience

This document is intended for technical staff at the webshop portal development company. The reader should be familiar with the underlying technologies used, including XML and HTTPS.

1.3 Document Overview

This document is divided into chapters covering background information, business rules, use cases, error and warning messages. The chapter detailing each of the messages describes some or all of the following:
  • An overview of the message format
  • The XML and business rules that apply to the message
  • A tabular listing of the elements and attributes in the message
  • Sample XML messages

1.4 Getting started

Our XML Web Service cannot be accessed by unauthorized requests. You will first need to contact us to get the Application Token before you can make requests. Your usage of our XML Web Service will be monitored by our staff: we reserve the right to close an XML account if its number of requests is huge.

1.5 How to send requests

The addresses to which to send requests are the following:

You must send your XML with POST request. This can be achieved through various programming methods, which will vary according to the programming language you're using. For example, in PHP the simplest way to send this kind of requests is using the CURL extension.